A certain stand-up comedian (I can’t recall who) does a routine, where he explains why many straight men are wary of being in the company of gay men. “Low sales resistance” he says. He reckons that in the right circumstances, and particularly after a couple of drinks, most men can be talked into anything, whether...
It occurs to me that there is something lacking from the current campaign for the Scottish Independence Referendum. Where are those Scottish members of the Westminster Parliament, who surely would be amongst the most central characters in this historic vote? Scotland is represented in Westminster by 59 MP’s, who will all become redundant if a...
Firstly I should point out that this is a bit of fun, and need not be taken too seriously. However, as with all good jokes, it works better if it’s true enough to be plausible. We were prompted to come up with the Crazy-to-Hire Matrix after viewing this politically incorrect video on the intricacies of...
You know that point when you’re sitting in the barber or hairdresser’s chair? You are maybe half way through your haircut, can see exactly what’s happening in the mirror, and you’re thinking “I’m not sure I like where this is going”. It would be pretty tricky (or impossible for some) to criticise the person standing...
They say that only when someone is tested by rejection, do they reveal themselves. I have found that when a candidate goes through a full recruitment process, but ultimately rejects the offer, how the employer handles it can speak volumes. Equally, when in receipt of a resignation letter, a classy or petulant response can inform...
I had a client that manufactured mobile phone antennae for Motorola in Scotland. Their headquarters was in Israel, where they manufactured radios fixed to one Christian radio station. When I asked the HR Manager how they normally recruited, he told me that the senior managers usually get together in this room (we were sitting in),...
PCEvaluate Brings America’s Leading Online Candidate Assessment and Profiling Tools to the UK PCEvaluate, founded by Stephen O’Donnell, one of the UK’s best known online recruitment experts, launched today to bring the ‘PeopleClues’ suite of online psychometric assessment and profiling tools to the UK, to enable employers to improve their recruitment processes, and end the...
Seemingly out of the blue, I’ve lost all my frequently used extension icons, which typically appear to the right of the address bar. Where I used to see icons for things like HootSuite, LastPass, and Screen Capture, now there’s just a little double-arrow I have to click in order to see a drop-down list of...