
Stephen O'Donnell

Do we help or hinder jobseekers?

This may seem a no-brainer to anyone in the online recruitment industry, and perhaps even a preposterous question for me to ask, given my role in the sector over the past decade.  In the picture here “La strada per l’inferno e lastricata di buone intenzioni” translates as “The road to hell is paved with good...

Vacancy Volumes Indicate Steady Recovery

Throw open the shutters, open the windows, and take the sandbags from the doors. The storm of recession has past, and we can all get back to normal. Perhaps not quite.According to the Office of National Statistics, the UK economy experienced growth of 0.1% in the last quarter, and unemployment unexpectedly fell by 7,000 in...

The Apartheid of Private Education

This week there has been the re-awakening of the old class-war arguments, that have raged for over a century, and have often come to define the struggle of the Labour party. The catalyst for this has been the educational backgrounds of Messrs Cameron, Osborne, Boris Johnston, and many more senior Conservatives. The arguments against private...

Are You Full of Glee?

Are you loving E4’s new hit American import, Glee? However you feel about the show (and I quite like it – in a totally manly way, of course), business-wise, they’ve got it sussed. All songs are available straightaway on iTunes and the E4 website for sale. I can see them charting, even though they’re saccharin...

HR Carnival – 2010, the year ahead

For my sins, I seem to spend every waking hour visiting, testing, and analysing recruitment websites of all kinds.  Through, I monitor developments in the websites of recruitment agencies, job boards, publications and employers.  My purpose is to consult with these companies, and to deliver targeted candidate traffic direct to where vacancies are being...

Bank Charges Are Not For “Unauthorised Overdrafts”

This is a Red Herring.  The banks are in fact charging customers for NOT providing unauthorised overdrafts, and by bouncing payments. It would seem perfectly reasonable for the banks to charge £35, if indeed they were somehow being forced to payout funds that hadn’t been agreed, as a form of additional lending.  However that’s not...

Online Recruitment – 10 Years On

As Robbie Cowling will testify, Jobserve were the first established online recruitment job board in 1994. Initially a “jobs-by-email” service, the existence of the World Wide Web was known and used by very few, and largely consisted of IT experts and enthusiasts. Early websites were referred to as bulletin boards, leading to the term Job-Boards....

Pay for performance

Pay for performance sounds good in theory, but not always in practise. Every link in the recruitment chain has to take responsibility for its own function. That is to say that it’s the responsibility of an advertising medium (a job board) to attract enough suitable candidates, and guide them easily to view the advertiser’s vacancy....
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Smash & Trash

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