Quite a lot, as it happens. I’m about to blow my own trumpet so, as convention dictates, first I must self-deprecate. I don’t have a qualification to my name, and have never been promoted. I did of course achieve my Gold Arrow in the Cubs, was a seconder then a sixer, and in the Scouts...
Can someone please explain to me why it is generally accepted as a good thing to deny prisoners the right to vote in public elections? What precisely does David Cameron think he will achieve, other than pandering to public outraged sentiment, and tabloid faux disgust, by stating that his government will NEVER allow prisoners to...
Throughout the ages, there has been a long history of segregation of the people we share a planet with. In most instances there is an accompanying ”plausible” explanation, where we are told that certain people, of differing cultures, sex, ethnicity, race or religion need to be kept apart. We are all aware of the effects...
I don’t believe them for a second. Politicians perpetually tell you one thing, when they mean another. What they are implementing may well be the exact right thing to do, but because they are steered by think-tanks, focus groups and PR arseholes, they feel compelled to spin illogical drivel, when the truth should already be...
Give us a kiss! I wasn’t always a tactile person, you know. We didn’t really do hugs in my house, when I was young, and even now a greeting with my family usually consists of a raised eyebrow, accompanied with a gruff “Aye”. An embarrassing thing happened to me and a friend last week. Let’s...
So we discover in the last week that some of the world’s largest and most influential tech companies, had entered into non-compete pact, with regard to recruiting staff from each other. In this instance Google, Apple, Pixar, Adobe, Intel and Intuit are the co-accused in this particular cartel. Of course these companies are all headquartered...
What a huge pile of stinking, sloppy steaming turds we are being served, on the subject of employee contracts at the moment! It’s been common, in recent times, to hear people bemoan the lack of spelling, grammar, and correct use of English in public discourse. We laugh, when we receive a badly written CV. We...
As this story has been rumbling for several years now, we shouldn’t be surprised at the recent outrageous revelations regarding the indefensible, criminal and morally corrupt behaviour of this country’s fourth estate, and in particular that of journalists and editors within the News of The World and The Sun. I shan’t bother detailing the immense...
This is not always a bad thing, and is implicit in the employment deal struck between many individuals and their employers. Many, but not all, jobs are very dependent upon your ability to interact with other people outwith your own company; clients, suppliers, candidates, government bodies etc etc. Before the advent of social media, companies...
This is not, repeat not another blog about flying, and the funny things that happen at airports. OK it is a little, but I’m using it as an example, or a metaphor so it’s alright. Budget airlines have been responsible for turning several accepted norms on their heads. Easyjet and then Ryanair popularised the model...