A certain stand-up comedian (I can’t recall who) does a routine, where he explains why many straight men are wary of being in the company of gay men. “Low sales resistance” he says. He reckons that in the right circumstances, and particularly after a couple of drinks, most men can be talked into anything, whether...
Today I delivered son number two, and a ton of gear, to his new student halls in St Andrews for the first time. It was an emotional day. When kids are little, all parents look for any signs that their children will have what it takes to make their way in the world. The first...
Throughout the ages, there has been a long history of segregation of the people we share a planet with. In most instances there is an accompanying ”plausible” explanation, where we are told that certain people, of differing cultures, sex, ethnicity, race or religion need to be kept apart. We are all aware of the effects...
You may have noticed the shitstorm of controversy sparked yesterday by an online article in the Daily Mail, entitled “Why women hate me for being beautiful”. Samantha Brick, for it is she, contended that ordinary and ugly looking women discriminate against her because of her looks. A separate article in The Economist last week, takes...
Give us a kiss! I wasn’t always a tactile person, you know. We didn’t really do hugs in my house, when I was young, and even now a greeting with my family usually consists of a raised eyebrow, accompanied with a gruff “Aye”. An embarrassing thing happened to me and a friend last week. Let’s...
I write as a non-American, but one who has watched, consumed and responded to American culture and it’s far reaching effect on my world. Firstly, forget all the clichés which are usually trotted out about being divided by a common language. Just as Scots experience the culture of England, our nearest neighbour, so do we...
“This piece of software will quite literally blow your mind!” Really? I don’t think so. I am a literalist. Almost everything I do is driven by logic. I grew up playing with Mecanno, Airfix and home electronics sets. I have three sisters, who are all expert in giving and reading hints, undertones, inferences and covert...
As a recruiter of some 24 years now, I have become wearily familiar with my chosen profession being traduced and derided, along with other careers and jobs, such as estate agents, lawyers, and traffic wardens. 24 years ago this week, I got married. I was only 21, and immediately afterwards (the next week) joined HMS...
Don’t laugh. OK, laugh a bit if you like. I am looking for a developer to help realise an idea I have, which I believe has the potential for success. This is a personal project, and in return I am willing to offer up to a 50% share in the eventual product. Like many people,...
Or ”How the media has eroded our right to be stupid” You might think my analogy is a little obscure, but bear with me. You may have noticed earlier this year, that there has been a flurry of marches held worldwide, called Slut-Walks. Mostly attended by scantily clad women, reclaiming the right to wear whatever...