This is an article I’ve had published in the March 2012 edition of Recruiter Magazine. What does every recruitment firm have in common with social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Google+? We all maintain a large, and growing, database of individuals. Doing so confers a list of responsibilities which we share, and...
During #TRULondon 5, I was interviewed for the Jobsite Livestream by DeeDee Doke, editor of Recruiter Magazine, alongside Russell Byrne from CityJobs and Gary Robinson, Head of Marketing at Jobsite and Evenbase.
Forgive me for taking the next few paragraphs to state the bleeding obvious. In every job board, there are three interested parties; those who run the board itself, the job advertisers (employers and recruitment agencies) and candidates. Candidates may feel that it is they who are looking for jobs, but the truth is that they...
Every job board is born with original sin. The very first task of any new job board is to justify its existence, and the fact that its very presence further fragments the market, which in turn makes things more difficult for jobseekers. You could of course say the same thing of any retailer in a...
“I remember when this was all fields, as far as the eye can see!” When I was young, this was one of my Dad’s favourite phrases. With the passing of time, some of us older geezers can now say this about the Online Recruitment industry. 16 years ago (or thereabouts) an industry was born. Pioneers...
Below is the document, currently under review, for the establishment of a BSI Code of practice for Online Recruitment – BS 8877. The original, and user comments, can be viewed by registering at ————————————— BSI DRAFT REVIEW Draft title: Online recruitment – Code of practice Number: BS 8877 Sector: Manufacturing &...
This is only one of the many reviews you can read of the #TRULondon Unconference, which took place near Brick Lane, in London’s East End, from the 16th to 18th February. Slap bang in the middle was the first UKRecruiter Networking event of the year, at the same well-appointed venue. I’ll leave it to others...
As a recruiter, I’m well aware of the pitfalls of considering and accepting a counteroffer from an existing or other employer. However, there is very little available advice for employers who want to avoid the dreaded “No Start”. Don’t believe anyone who says that recruiting is easy right now, and that any employer can pick...
Know this. Each of the major job boards in this country firmly believes they will ultimately be the last one standing. Or at least they would, if job boards were sentient beings. Their management teams not only believe it too, but also have the declared intent of making it so. This is not such a...
I’ve been attending networking events for the online recruitment sector since 2001. They have been a staple in my annual calendar, and have been an invaluable part of what I do. Because I live 400 miles away from the throbbing metropolis, (the big smoke, that Laandon town) they have given me the opportunity to meet...