Imagine a world where advertising is a delight, spam email was a treat, and unsolicited approaches via social media were always welcome. Believe it or not, that’s precisely what the people and companies marketing to you are hoping to achieve. Not that you are an undiscerning moron, who knows no better, but rather that despite...
If you have friends or relatives who are anything like me, and love a gadget, you’ll know that that they can be really difficult to buy a present for. To help you out (and order in time) here is a list of 13 perfect gifts, which won’t break the bank, and should delight the gadgeteer...
This is an article I’ve had published in the March 2012 edition of Recruiter Magazine. What does every recruitment firm have in common with social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Google+? We all maintain a large, and growing, database of individuals. Doing so confers a list of responsibilities which we share, and...
If you’re reading this, it’s quite likely that you are, like me, quite keen on the odd gadget or too. My most-used gadgets of choice are the iPhone 4s and iPad 2. At Christmas, what better measure of what to get others, than something you’d want too. By way of suggestions to make your present-buying...
We all know by now that there seems to be a never ending stream of new products, and development of existing kit from Apple Corporation, now the most (or 2nd most) valuable company in existence (vying with Exxon). In the computing world, Apple is now firmly identified as at the top of the class, and...
Perhaps The Police (my wife Luciana’s favourite band) knew this was coming, when they named their 1983 album Synchronicity. I am now seriously struggling to keep a plethora of devices and databases synchronised with each other, and could do with a little help. I’ve been doing this since my first Palm Pilot in 1998, and...
If you are connected to me on Facebook, you’ll already be aware of the details of my road accident last Friday, 24th September, whilst riding my scooter home from work. If so, there’s no need to read on, but several people have asked for information, so here goes. Also, if I don’t blog about this...
Look, I’m not about to start preaching to you. I don’t think I need to. If you’re reading this, then I think it’s safe to assume you are fairly technically literate, and switched on to most forms of social media. I shan’t bother then, to run through the list of sites, services and points of...