

University of Life?

I don’t have a qualification to my name (past high school anyway).  I am capable of a great many things, but just don’t have the paperwork to prove it.  But who do I need to prove it to, myself, or everyone else?  Is it the education or the certificates that I regret not attaining (because...

Tear Down That Fence!

Throughout the ages, there has been a long history of segregation of the people we share a planet with.  In most instances there is an accompanying ”plausible” explanation, where we are told that certain people, of differing cultures, sex, ethnicity, race or religion need to be kept apart.  We are all aware of the effects...

Why do women stand for it?

I am a feminist, if only because many women don’t think it’s important enough to bother about. Let me qualify that; I am for complete equality, in all practical regards, and against illogical inequality. I grew up in a house with three sisters, and my mum earned more than my dad. In the early years...

Smartening up, not dumbing down

As is traditional at this time of year, many commentators are decrying the improved exam results achieved by our nation’s children, and accusing the exam bodies of “dumbing down”.  Can this really be true?  Are they coddling teenagers ever more each year, so that the poor dears don’t feel bad about themselves?  Maybe they are...


I’m a little torn this week by evolutionary changes to an institution that has been a cornerstone/foundation of my adult life.  The Scout movement has now seen six continuous years of growth in membership to 507,867 members in the UK alone.  Worldwide membership exceeds 28 million young people in 216 countries.  I say people because,...

Royally Shafted!

I read a blog post tonight, entitled “ConDemd” which detailed the real life experience of a university graduate, and the ongoing effects of student loans.  Despite that blog title,  the fee regime Betty, and most further education students since 2002 have experienced was introduced by the Labour Government of Tony Blair, supported mostly by the...

Tabloids in Nick Clegg “Hypocrisy” Shocker!

So Nick Clegg, the Lib-Dem leader, and Deputy Prime Minister, is being given a hard time by the red-top press for his apparent hypocrisy in considering sending his Catholic kids to a Catholic school.  “Where’s the hypocrisy in that?” I hear you ask. Well, Nick himself is an atheist. He doesn’t believe in any god,...

Smash & Trash

If you really want my opinion on any given topic (mainly recruitment), you'll almost certainly find it here.

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