Only very occasionally do we experience what it’s like for a work colleague to die unexpectedly. And yet, even when it does happen more than a few times, it always feels new and raw, and even quite bizarre (as well as all the usual emotions, of course). Early in my recruitment career, I had three...
Freedom’s just another word for “nothing left to lose”. The word Freedom is bandied around a lot these days, and not just by Mel Gibson in historically inaccurate movies, or politicians invoking it ironically, whilst invading other countries. Consider the song title though. We are indeed most free to take any course of action, when...
If you have friends or relatives who are anything like me, and love a gadget, you’ll know that that they can be really difficult to buy a present for. To help you out (and order in time) here is a list of 13 perfect gifts, which won’t break the bank, and should delight the gadgeteer...
Stop reading this immediately, if you get bored rigid with people talking about losing weight. I am about to write several paragraphs on the subject. I have long believed that most people are exactly the weight they want to be. Becoming overweight, and maintaining it requires considerable effort. I speak as someone who was becoming...
Why do I get so excited when Andy Murray wins at tennis? An accident of birth means that he was born less than 20 miles from me, so does his success somehow validate me, and other Scots? I may actually have more in common with other sportsmen and women, but location of origin is usually...
Today I delivered son number two, and a ton of gear, to his new student halls in St Andrews for the first time. It was an emotional day. When kids are little, all parents look for any signs that their children will have what it takes to make their way in the world. The first...