WP Mobile Detect is a plugin which can ensure your WordPress website visitors view content on your pages which is specifically target to they device they are using to view.
Here’s how the shortcodes, available with this plugin, can adapt to devices.
- [phone]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones NOT Tablets or Desktops[/phone]
- [tablet]Put content here that you only want displayed on Tablets NOT Phones or Desktops[/tablet]
- [device]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones OR Tablets NOT Desktops[/device]
- [notphone]Put content here that you only want displayed on Tablets OR Desktops NOT Phones[/notphone]
- [nottab]Put content here that you only want displayed on Phones OR Desktops NOT Tablets[/nottab]
- [notdevice]Put content here that you only want displayed on Desktops NOT Phones OR Tablets[/notdevice]
- [ios]Put content here that you only want displayed on iOS devices[/ios]
- [iPhone]Put content here, that you only want displayed on iPhones[/iPhone]
- [iPad]Put content here, that you only want displayed on iPads[/iPad]
- [android]Put content here, that you only want displayed on Android devices[/android]
- [windowsmobile]Put content here, that you only want displayed on Windows Mobile devices[/windowsmobile]