First of all, I’d like to make it clear that this list is an entire fabrication. I made it up just for fun. It’s not true. This list has been compiled entirely at random, and those listed have no idea I’ve listed them, and have not, to my knowledge ever moaned about the profusion of “definitive lists” in the recruitment and HR field. They have all, however, appeared on many of those lists, which is why I am listing them here. I’m sure that makes this as clear as mud.

THE LIST (in no particular order)

  1. Louise Triance (Louise is No1 on all my lists)
  2. Jerry Albright
  3. @Animal
  4. Ken Ward
  5. Steve Ward
  6. Laurie Ruettimann (included as a sorbet to cleanse the palate)
  7. Stephen O’Donnell (of course I’m on the list)
  8. James Mayes
  9. Jamie Leonard (the legend that is)
  10. Glenn Le Santo
  11. Stacy Donovan Zapar (the First Lady of LinkedIn is on every list. It’s the law)


So there you go; My Top 10 List has 11 people on it, and has no bearing on truth or fact. You may well argue the day away, contending that a list is fundamentally flawed and therefore irrelevant if it doesn’t feature Bill Boorman (hallowed be thy name). Well, what are you gonna do? I’ve written it now, and await the tumbleweed blowing across the comments below.

PS. If anyone listed here wants to be removed, that’s no problem. I have a stack of others who would love to take your place.

Stephen O'Donnell is a lifelong recruiter, internet enthusiast, fadgadget and peripatetic writer.

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